Carly Pearce Opens Up About Her Recent Heart Condition Diagnosis

Country music star Carly Pearce has recently shared a deeply personal update with her fans, revealing that she has been diagnosed with a heart condition called pericarditis. Despite this new challenge, the singer remains optimistic and determined to continue her career and personal journey.

She made this post on Instagram:

“Hey y’all. I have always been transparent and honest about every part of my life, so I feel like this deserves the same honesty. You guys know that I’ve been dealing with some health issues, and through that, I have developed something called pericarditis, which is a heart issue. And I’ve been working with doctors and talking to my cardiologist, and I still wanna be out on the road. It’s really important to me, but we have all decided that it is in my best interest as I’m healing to alter my shows a little bit. So, if my shows look a little bit different, just know it’s because I have to keep my heart rate under control right now. And the doesn’t mean I’m not gonna be completely fine, it just means right now I’ve gotta really take this seriously. So, if you’re coming to the shows, if you are gonna be a part of any of the amazing things we have going on with hummingbird, it is all gonna be great. It just might look a little different. So, I’m asking for a little bit of grace. And truly, more importantly, if any of you are dealing with any kind of health stuff, or aren’t — I’m a young, healthy person that really watches what I eat and exercises, and this happened to me — and so, I just wanna use my platform to tell you to take care of your body and listen to it. And just know that if it’s trying to tell you something, it’s gonna tell you. I love you guys, and I’ll see you soon.”

“I’m OK, yeah,” Pearce said when she caught up with Entertainment Tonight at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Downtown Nashville, Tennessee. “It was pericarditis and a pericardial effusion, which is an inflammation and fluid inside the sac of your heart. And so I’m just kinda figuring it out as I go.”

“I started noticing that my heart was racing, and it wasn’t just because I was nervous or excited,” Pearce explained. “It was happening frequently and out of nowhere. That’s when I knew I needed to see a doctor.” Following a series of tests and evaluations, doctors confirmed the diagnosis of SVT.

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