Finding Out We’re Pregnant | Sadie Robertson Huff and Christian Huff’s Pregnancy Story!

OMG I’m so happy for them!!!

f you didn’t already know — we are expecting a baby! We wanted to share our pregnancy story on how we found out we are pregnant, and wanted to answer some questions about baby Huff. Watch the whole video to find out the step by step story of what was happening when we found out we’re going to have a baby, how I revealed the baby news to Christian, and how we made the pregnancy announcement to our family and friends! – xo, Sadie

Sarah Mae Wilson

With her deep passion for traditional country music and a genuine love for the simple joys of life, Sarah Mae brings a unique perspective to our team. At 45 years old, she's a proud woman who has lived her entire life out in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces and the calming serenade of nature.

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