Phil Robertson’s Answer to the Biggest Problem in America Is Exactly What We Need

George Floyd, police brutality, riots, racial strife, defunding the police … there’s a lot going on out there. Phil Robertson says if we tried just one thing, it would make all the difference in America.

Let’s take a look at what a few people over on YouTube had to say about this…

Atlanta Georgia: 1. There’s been a human barricade of people protecting the police from protesters. 2. There was a young black man who called the police over to him at a gas station and told them thank you for their service and offered to pray for them on the spot. BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THIS GOOD NEWS. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!


I was a teacher in the inner city for nearly 30 years. I used to tell new teachers, if you love your students, they can’t resist, they will learn. Treat everyone with love and respect.

Pat Murphy

God bless you brother Phil. Love you and your family in Christ Jesus. So sad for our country, and the people. I love all of my brothers and sisters in Christ always ♥


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