Quarantine Workout with Sadie Robertson Huff and Christian Huff

A daily workout at home is an important way to take care of your mental health, emotional well-being, and your physical fitness during the Covid-19 lockdown. Christian and I wanted to share some of the exercise routines and weight-lifting sets we’ve been doing while sheltering at home from the coronavirus. It is important for us all to take care of the bodies God has given us even during a pandemic. Stay safe, healthy, and sane out there!

– xo, Sadie

I don’t know about you, but these two are absolutely adorable. If you haven’t seen their wedding video yet, click here to watch it.

It’s so refreshing to see a couple who is in love and enjoy spending time with their partner and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s the way it’s truly supposed to be!

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Sarah Mae Wilson

With her deep passion for traditional country music and a genuine love for the simple joys of life, Sarah Mae brings a unique perspective to our team. At 45 years old, she's a proud woman who has lived her entire life out in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces and the calming serenade of nature.

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